Archangel Jophiel Light


Surrounded by your healing team we welcomed the energies of each of the Archangels.  Archangel Jophiel came forth with the invitation to place your request, blessing, miracles into the space to be recieved.

Old energies preventing you from flowing were cleared.  Archangel Michael also stepping forth asking you to hear and speak your personal truth.

22 minutes guided meditation with Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Ralphael and Archangel Metatron and Archangel Sandalphon and Archangel Jophiel.

Details :  Archangel Jophiel Light

Length: 22.24 minutes.




This practice can be done at any time. Please treat this like any healing, allowing yourself to rest afterwards and drink water,  you may be very thirsty and be gentle with you.


Customer testimonial 
“I felt such deep peace after I finished listening, thank you Archangel Jophiel and all my angels, I did feel so connected. Blessings to you Helen” Nanno 09/12/24