Helping you intuitively connect to your body, mind, heart and soul.



I am Helen.  I am an Energy Healing Practitioner

Let me introduce my unique way of working.

Because healing comes from within, I create a sacred space, calling on your healing team. In this space, I allow the energy to do the work. The energy is your power, your vibrancy, your gold. It is yours to restore, to reconnect, and to reawaken within you.

My blending of different healing methods and energy work is something you will have never experienced before because I welcome your energy into this space. Each session is sacred and bespoke for you and therefore no two sessions are ever the same.

When we allow our energy to flow, transformational change occurs. The more you experience your energy during an energy healing session with me, the more you will truly come to know you.

Deep down you know who you truly are, I am simply a guiding light to hold you while you recognise your soul journey. Your full potential is waiting. Are you ready to make space for you?

This healing only finds you when YOU are ready ?

Book your 1 hour online session “Energetic Metamorphosis”. The core of this session revolves around immersing oneself in an energetic experience. If you’re seeking guidance on a transformative journey spanning over six weeks, explore my container ‘THRIVE,” where I provide sustained support.

Are you ready to work with me ?

Join me and explore how I work through a vibrational call where we connect on zoom and I tap into the frequencies so you get to experience what I do.  Most importantly we also tap into the vibration together to see if we are a vibrational match.

Book now


My online container “Miracles in May” was extremely powerful for each woman who joined. I am honoured to hold such space with the Mother Mary Energies.

Why should you join me in Miracles in May? – You’ll become part of a community ready to embrace miracles in May, enveloped in the uplifting energies of the Divine Feminine. Each day, replenish your spirit, whether you’re already acquainted with Mother Mary or seeking to create a new connection.

What’s in store for you? Enjoy 30 minutes of connection and healing each day, for 22 days.

Thank you Jude for being part of Miracles in May 2024 and sharing your experience. 

What a beautiful testimonal from a participant on my “9 day distance healing : Our Kidneys” .

This program is not only for you but for your ancestral lineage. Maria felt this unexplained pull to join with a deep knowing it was bigger than her as she explains in the testimonal.

This 9 day distance healing our kidneys and ancestral line is for anyone ready to do the inner work and brave enough to step in. “This practice brings healing in ways you might never have imagined” as Maria’s shares her experience 5 months later and the clearing she has felt lifted on her maternal line and for her family member.

Thank you Maria for saying “Yes” and doing the work every day for 9 days and thank you for sharing your experience.

It is with incredible gratitude I share this review with you. My heart is full. Everyday I do what I love and love what I do.

I am always overjoyed to witness your healing journey. If energy healing is new to you , I simply bring in angelic healing energy to allow your light to ignite.

What I create is from my heart and the unique experience you feel is all part of your intention to say ” yes” to healing with an open heart. I welcome you.

Thank you Claire for allowing me share your words and experience. Thank you for stepping into healing and shining your light so tremendously bright.

The vibration of love is flowing.

With all of my sessions,  I offer you tailored healing techniques that are grounding and compatible for your current needs. I believe that healing is a journey and I will support you along each step. By simply allowing ourselves to receive, we open to healing.

I prepare myself mentally and energetically for each client. I am honoured to do what I do. I am here to support you on your journey. I am your guiding light.


I am a guiding light, Helen Colgan Healing Heart.

Angel HealingBOOK A CALL