Ancestral Lineage Clearing A 9-Day Distance Healing Transmission


We begin, our next 9 day distance healing on 2nd November  2024 






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Ancestral Lineage Clearing: 9-Day Distance Healing Transmission

This is a unique opportunity to join a brand-new channeled healing that came to me in August 2024. Through this special 9-day distance healing transmission, we will work together to clear and heal your ancestral lineage.

“At some point in all lineages, a soul will be born that decides to bring healing to their ancestors. If you are reading this, chances are that this beautiful soul is you.” – Sacred Ancestry

If you feel a pull to this healing, it may be because:

  • You are stepping into your role as the one chosen by spirit to heal your ancestral lines.
  • You want to bring healing to both your mother’s and father’s lineage.
  • You are seeking improvement in your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
  • You are yearning for nurturing and emotional healing.
  • You are ready to unlock your full potential and sense that this is something bigger than you.

How It Works:

  • Dates: We begin Saturday 2nd November , and continue until Sunday, 10th November.
  • What You’ll Do: Each day, set aside time to light a candle, say the channeled healing prayer, and reflect on what arises for you. Writing is optional, but I encourage you to journal.
  • What I’ll Do: I will be sending distance healing daily to you and your family, including your parents and grandparents, this flows to  your children and extended family to. For this, I’ll need your name, your mother’s maiden name, your father’s name, your grandmother’s maiden name, and your grandfather’s name.
  • What You’ll Receive: You’ll get a detailed PDF with instructions and specific healing prayers before we begin. These prayers are vibrationally charged and infused with healing energy.


  • Continuous distance healing sent to your family line, your intention or situation for the full 9 days.
  • Energetic clearing of situations, people, or emotions that may be holding you back, whether you’re aware of them or not.
  • Emotional release, such as tears or a sense of lightness, is common as the old, heavy energy clears.
  • You will be empowered with tools to continue this healing practice and step fully into your power.

Investment: €55.55

This work goes beyond time and space, and can still be practiced even if your parents or grandparents have passed or if you have never met them.

Join me on this sacred journey. Trust in the guidance from your ancestors and the magic that will unfold.

Is mise do réalta eolais,
I am a guiding light,



What participants had to say:  

“I signed up this Distance Healing the kidneys and the motherline and the bespoke healing that you offered Helen.  I finshed the final day and thank you so so much for inviting me, for sharing your gifts with me, for letting me be a part of this phenomenal healing, I have a feeling that I am grasping and intergrating the depths of what is being healed but I know it is – I want to listen to the bespoke healing recording again  – it has been magnificent to be part of. I am so excited for you, Helen.  So grateful to be part of it – I feel alot of healing happened once I signed up and the 9 days began.  I was feeling the  rootness.  The healing for my mother and her mother- I do believe the healing was brought to that lineage line – it is phenomenal and even how I am showing up for my children – the energy and intention of what you have set is phenomenal – really  phenomenal and it clears for future generation, I just want to thank you from my whole being, thank you, thank you, thank you for helping  me clear my ancestral line.”  M.C 20/10/2023

“The kidney healing I am so grateful that I could be part of it.  I wasn’t able to fully appreciate all, this is now rooted in me and my mother energy and the ancestral clearing thank you, thank you , thank  you.” C.H 22/10/2023

“Hi Helen, I just wanted to say thank you, thank you, thank you for this wonderfully healing 9 days. I signed up because I had a UTI at the time and figured I would try anything but I totally got into it and the signs I have gotten from the universe during the past week in relation to the females in the family has been undeniable. I have felt exhausted at times and so comforted also. Archangel Michael has been with me every day, it’s undeniable. My grandmother always prayed to him for protection”  G.C 24/10/2023

“Helen, something HUGE has shifted in me as a mother and I know it’s down to your 9 day distance healing the kidneys and mother line.  THANK YOU! I am content, happy and so grateful and honoured to be a mother like never before” J.K 24/10/2023

I find your voice so soothing and comforting. Thank you for the distant healing, the videos, voice notes and guidance. I have thoroughly enjoyed the 9 days and have gotten more than I could have imagined from it.  A.O’C 20/10/2023 

“Thank you so much, Helen, I am really getting enjoying this. Getting so  much peace from it.  Thank you so much.” A.K 

“Helen, the synchronicities that flowed to me on day 2 were incredible, thank you so much.  I am partaking fully in this healing, thank you for doing this 9 day kidney healing and motherline, incredible” C.S 13/10/2023

“I was all over the place and could not concentrate at home or in work or with anything I was doing.  I had ringing in my ears.  I can’t seem to concentrate.  I did this Kidney healing with Helen, and it was so powerful the healing that came in.  I realised over the practice I had suffered a shock that I had buried for a long time.  I had such deep awareness of being so connected.  Thank you Helen, I feel so much lighter and the clarity, that unsettled feeling has gone.  Thank you” L.G 21/10/2023