The entire universe is made up of energy and our bodies are no exception.  Reiki is a Japanese word “REI” meaning Universal Life Energy and “KI” meaning Vital Life Force.  

I discovered Reiki when I was trying to find balance while juggling with a young family, long commute on the M50 and a stressful job.  My experience of Reiki kept me going back for more.  Every time I came away from a Reiki session, I found I had increased awareness and I just loved the deep sleep that I experienced during the treatment.  I became so deeply relaxed, the more I received Reiki. 

Reiki is both powerful and gentle and relaxes the body.  Energy can sometimes stagnate in our bodies where they may be an old physical injury, emotional pain, or stress overload.  When we tune into the energy of Reiki we allow this energy to move, and our own natural healing energy to flow. 

Reiki finds you when you are ready.  When I work with Reiki I step into this life force energy and allow whatever Reiki symbols present itself to fill your energy field with exactly what you need.  Sometimes we may be lost and looking for that signpost that shows us the way – this is Reiki. Sometimes we need to clarify where we are going, who we are : Reiki always provides.  Reiki meets you exactly where you are. Reiki is sacred work and I always treat you as my client and the process with the greatest respect. 

The healing of Reiki was created by a Japanese Buddhist named Mikao Usui over a hundred years ago.  

Reiki is Love, love is wholeness, wholeness is balance, balance is wellbeing, wellbeing is freedom from disease”

Dr Mikao Usui


The ability to channel Reiki is transferred to the student by a Reiki Master during a process called an attunement or an initiation.  As a Reiki Master, I can offer you this very powerful experience during Reiki at each level 1, 2 and 3.  Each attunement is completely unique to each individual. It is easily learned and practiced, even children can learn.

Do please get in touch if you are interested in learning Reiki.  Mynext Learn Reiki Level One in Drumree Co Meath is scheduled for 29th and 30th March, a 2 day workshop. 

I also offer Distance Reiki Healing, sending healing to the whole person in their location.  Get in touch to find out more. 

A Reiki individual sessions can be either online or in person.  

When the student is ready the teacher appears. When the student is truly ready the teacher disappears."

Lao Tzu


I offer Reiki Energy healing with the support of the Angelic Realm.

Reiki will harmonise the energy within your body and is a very grounding Earth based energy healing.  Combining Reiki with the Angelic Realm allows us to be fully support during this healing.   

If you are new to Reiki, it will be a very powerful catalyst for change and spiritual growth and expansion of your inner awareness.


Get in touch to learn more about being attuned to Reiki.