Space Clearing


Imagine walking into a space that instantly feels calm, balanced, and uplifting. This is the power of my Energetic Space Clearing. Just as our homes and offices need regular cleaning to remove dust and clutter, they also require energetic cleansing to clear away the invisible buildup of stress, negativity, and stagnant energy.

My Energetic Space Clearing service is designed to refresh and revitalize your environment, transforming it into a sanctuary of peace and positivity.

What’s I offer 

  • Energy Clearing: Using a blend of ancient techniques and modern practices, I remove stagnant, negative, or unwanted energy from your space. This process clears away the energetic residue left behind by past events or occupants, creating a fresh start.
  • Personalized Blessings: After the clearing, I infuse your space with positive energy through personalized blessings. These blessings are tailored to your unique intentions, whether it’s attracting abundance, fostering harmony, or promoting healing and well-being.
  • Holistic Approach: My offering is grounded in a deep understanding of energy work, energy alignment, and spiritual traditions. I use tools such as herbs, crystals and stones, sound, and intention-setting to ensure your space is energetically aligned with your goals and desires.  I also anchor in the light by clearing any dense or heavy energies with the assistance of the Angelic Realm.
  • Profound Atmosphere Shift: The result is a space that feels not only lighter and more peaceful but also energetically aligned with your personal or professional aspirations. Clients often experience a powerful shift in their environment, leading to greater clarity, peace, and inspiration.

Clear away negative and stagnant energy that has built up in your home or office to create space for harmony and happiness for all who dwell or work there.

Ideal for

  • Moving into a new home or office
  • To shift the energies of a space for a new or alternative purpose
  • Spaces with a history of conflict, trauma, or negative experiences
  • Major life transitions or changes
  • Preparing for or recovering from significant events or celebrations
  • Deep energy refreshment for meditation or spiritual practice environments

How it works ?

My process begins with a consultation to understand your needs and intentions for the space. We then schedule a convenient time to perform the space clearing and blessings, allowing you to witness the transformation or simply return to an energetically renewed environment.

"When you are vibrating at a higher level, you feel brighter, happier, lighter and more at ease. This goes for the spaces you live in too"

Helen Colgan

Why choose my Energetic Space Clearing ?

With extensive experience in energy work and a commitment to creating truly harmonious environments, I offer a service that goes beyond mere surface changes.

My deep space clearing is designed to bring about powerful, lasting shifts in the energy of your space, supporting your well-being and personal growth.

How long does it take ?

The whole process usually takes 2 hours ( sometimes more if there is alot to clear).  Each consultation is unique as is your space, home, office and garden. Clients who have received this share that it has benefitted as a healing for the entire family in the home and  team /work colleagues in the office space.

Most clients choose to follow me as I do this work which I recommend you do.  I will show you what to do and give you feedback as I go and also empower you to do this work when I leave.  I will share guidance with you to ensure that pristine life force energy is flowing and maintained in your space.

Client Testimonals after experiencing my Energetic Space Clearing

“I booked Helen’s Energetic Space Clearing as my son was not sleeping and waking with nightmares.  Helen was so professional and her attention to detail was outstanding in putting me at ease and explaining all about energy clearing.  I have learnt so much.  This experience not only cleared old energies but also brought a massive brightness to my home and my family, that each of us felt.  The takeways Helen gave me also were unique to my energy and I am still using them.  I highly recommend Helen’s Energetic Space Clearing it has made a massive difference to everyone in my home and our space feels so much better and the bonus my son sleeps through the night.  Thank you Helen, Eileen M 15/06/24

Book your Energetic Space Clearing

€250 minimum 2 hours  : each consultation is unique